Take a look behind the curtain…

We finally gave the AJnet Organization its own website.

When I got together with my longtime friends Sam and Steph in 2023 and said “Hey, let’s pool our resources and make this AJnet thing something real”, I didn’t think it would actually go anywhere. Likewise, when we started bringing people we knew onboard, most of them were skeptical too. The game plan me and Sam put together was a hard sell for sure, it was only Steph’s financial magic that allowed us to convince potential employees and clients alike that the AJnet Organization wasn’t a mistake.

It also helped convince myself and Sam. We weren’t too sure of ourselves, but Stephanie showed us the numbers, and we said “Hey, maybe we actually kind of know what we’re doing here!”

I started AngryJerk.net back in 2007 as a personal blog designed in a pirated version of Adobe Dreamweaver. AngryJerk.net is now AJnet Magazine, with a writing staff of six and regular articles two to three times a week. It still doesn’t turn a profit, and it never will. AJnet Mag is done for fun, and shouldn’t be taken too seriously by anyone.

In a way, AngryJerk.net was the precursor to the AJnet Organization. Of course, there’s the name (AJnet was originally short for AngryJerk.net). But then there’s that nagging voice in the back of my mind that’s been there since 2007, the part that said “Hey, you have a gift. Use it to help people and make money at the same time.”

It’s now 2024, and the AJnet Organization is an influential force for change with clients across the world. In 17 years, I went from being an “internet ranter” to telling companies and even governments how to allocate resources and manage crises. Not too shabby.

Unfortunately, we’re not allowed to talk about our clients or what we’ve done for them (NDAs are a necessary evil unfortunately), but we can talk about our own personal projects, like AJnet Mag or Alien-UFOs. This blog will serve as a window into the lighter side of the AJnet Organization and provide a look behind the curtain at what goes on behind the scenes. Most of it will probably be written by myself, with some posts by Sam, Sarah, and Chick. I’ll probably be talking a lot about AJnet Mag since it’s my baby (Can I even still call it that? In 2025 it’ll be 18 years old!), but this isn’t going to turn into the “AJnet Mag Insider” blog or anything. Chick will be talking a lot about the work on Alien-UFOs, Sam’s probably going to talk more about the company, and Sarah’s likely to talk about her undying love for pickles a combination of AJnet Mag and Alien-UFOs.

In the meantime, take a look around the site. We’re still working on it (I’m supposed to be writing the “About Us” page right now instead of this blog post…) but it should be finished soon.

After all, tomorrow begins today.

Adam J. Baker, CEO

Author: Adam Baker

Adam J. Baker is the CEO and a founding member of the AJnet Organization.